Gutka Chhodne Ke Upay

तम्बाकू, गुटका छोड़ने के उपाय तम्बाकू , खैनी, गुटका, या किसी भी ऐसी वस्तु का सेवन सेहत के लिए काफी हानिकारक है| लेकिन यह सच्चाई जानने के बाद भी लोग इन जानलेवा चीजों का सावन नहीं छोड़ पातें है| तकनिकी उन्नति के इस दौर में तम्बाकू, खैनी, गुटके से इज़ात पाने के काफी नए तरीके उपलब्ध है| परन्तु, किस तरकीब को अपनाकर,तम्बाकू खाने वाले व्यक्ति को फायदा होगा या कौन सी तरकीब आपको नुक्सान नहीं करेगी, यह जानना भी बहुत जरुरी है| तो आपकी मदद करने हेतु, हम आपके लिए लाए है- तम्बाकू एवं गुटका छोड़ने के उपाय हिंदी में| तम्बाकू–गुटका छोड़ने के घरेलु उपाय 50 ग्रामअजवाइनऔर सौफ को तवे पर भुने| इसमें थोड़ा सा नींबू का रस और काला नमक मिलाकर एक डब्बी में रख ले| जब भी आपको गुटका या तम्बाकू  खाने की तलब उठे, इस मिश्रण को चुटकीभर लेकर, अपने मुँह में रख लें| ऐसा नियमित तौर पर करने से, आपको गुटके या तम्बाकू के सेवन की आवश्यकता महसूस नहीं होगी गुनगुनेपानीमें नींबू का रस अवं शहद मिलाकर रोज सेवन करें| इस मिश्रण से आपकी गुटका-तम्बाकू की तलब भी काम होगी अवं आपके शरीर में मौजूद विषैले पदार्थ भी बहार निकलेंगे, जो आपको अंदर से चुस्त-दुरुस्त महसूस करवाएंगे| आवलाकोसुखाकर उसके टुकड़े करले| अब बड़ी इलाइची, सौफ, अवं हरड के भी टुकड़े करके इन सभी चीजों को मिला ले| तम्बाकू-गुटके की तलब लगने पर इस मिश्रण को खाए, आपकी तलब कम होती नजर आएगी| इन सभी घरेलु उपायों का नियमित रूप से पालन करने से आपको काफी लाभ होगा| परन्तु, किसी भी कारणवश आपको लगता है की घरेलु उपायों से आपको कोई लाभ नहीं होता नजर आ रहा है, तो आप किसी सरकारी नशा मुक्ति केंद्र में भी भर्ती हो सकते हैं| ऐसे केन्द्रो में विचित्र माध्यमों से लोगो की तम्बाकू-गुटका खाने की लत् को छुड़वाया जाता है| हम सभी जानते है की किसी भी केमिकल निर्मित वास्तु का सेवन करना, हमारे स्वास्थय के लिए हानिकरक होता है| अपितु जो हम भूल जातें है वह यह की, हमारी इन बुरी लतो के कारणवश हमारे परिवार, दोस्तों को भी काफी नुक्सान, दुःख, तकलीफ झेलनी पढ़ती है| अथवा, इन सभी चीजों का हमारे पारिवारिक जीवन में भी काफी बुरा असर पढता है| इसलिए यह आवश्यक है की हम तम्बाकू, गुटका, शराब, या ऐसी किसी भी लत से दूर रहे, और एक खुशल जीवन व्यतीत करें,… Continue reading Gutka Chhodne Ke Upay

Rehabilitation Center Bhopal: The Addiction Rehab Process Needs To Be Systematic

At a certain stage of life of an addict, self-support or family support may not work efficiently. At that stage, they need expert advice, medical support, and guided de-addiction or rehabilitation. In a professional and reputed rehabilitation center Bhopal you get experienced professionals who can help an addict find a new and meaningful way of life. Phases… Continue reading Rehabilitation Center Bhopal: The Addiction Rehab Process Needs To Be Systematic

What Is A Deaddiction Process Like? With Professional Help In A Deaddiction Center Bhopal Addicts Come Back To Normal Life

There is no shortcut to recovery and rehab. If someone in your family needs assistance take him to the best rehabilitation center for comprehensive rehabilitation. Right from evaluation and admission to rehab and aftercare, quality deaddiction center Bhopal provides all necessary tools and professional support that an addict needs to overcome substance abuse or alcoholism. What is Substance… Continue reading What Is A Deaddiction Process Like? With Professional Help In A Deaddiction Center Bhopal Addicts Come Back To Normal Life

Gutka Addiction Treatment Bhopal: Let Addiction Not Squeeze Some Years From Your Life

Gutka Addiction Treatment Bhopal

The consumption of smokeless tobacco especially gutka has substantially increased in India. Recent surveys in this realm showing that addiction is quite rampant among high school and college students as well as adults. Gutka is made with a combination of areca nut, paraffin, and salted lime and all these substances act as a virtual poison… Continue reading Gutka Addiction Treatment Bhopal: Let Addiction Not Squeeze Some Years From Your Life

Tobacco Addiction Treatment Bhopal: Reverse The Addiction With Expert Support

Tobacco is dangerous to health and consumption of it may lead to various serious health diseases that include heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, lunch disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), etc. The growing consumption of tobacco has led to serious health diseases across the world. Tobacco can cause cancer to almost all parts of the… Continue reading Tobacco Addiction Treatment Bhopal: Reverse The Addiction With Expert Support